
My mind is expansive 

As vast as the clear blue sky 

Thank you Sanakara

I lay on my kitchen floor 

Below the skylight and contemplate 

Resting in a pool satisfaction; 

A fleeting moment desire-less-ness 

Of calm 

I watch the clouds float by 

Witnessing the weather 

With love 

Yoga is the practice of 

watching the internal (and external) weather 

Without attachment, with presence 

A constant noticing 

Of what is changing, shifting, stirring 

Awareness of what is uncomfortable

From what true contentment arises 

What aches and what inspires 

Honestly witnessing all of it 

As clouds passing through 

The ever true blue sky

Yoga is becoming acquainted with 

That part of You/Me/We

That is witnessing 

That is unchanging 

That part of you that isn’t the clouds or the storm 

The part of you that isn’t the smouldering comet or the lightning bolts 

The part of you that isn’t the rainbow 

That part of you that is


The witness 

You are ancient 

And timeless 

Vast and expansive 

Look up at the sky 

Remember who you are


Spring 2021